Health & Wellbeing

Life's a Blue Flag Beach - Sala Beach House

We are proud to share that Thompsons Bay has made WESSA Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa's list of Blue Flag beaches for 2022/23.

"To achieve Blue Flag status, as many as 33 different criteria spanning four aspects of coastal management must be met and maintained: water quality, environmental education and information, environmental management, and safety and services."


Come spa by the sea...

Sala Beach House Spa opens it’s doors using sustainanble skincare range from celebrated brand - Terre D’Afrique

We are delighted that the team at  Sala Beach House  have opened the doors to its very own ocean side spa.

Slip away to the beach and pamper yourself at the intimate Sala Beach Spa. We offer a wide range of luxurious, professional Terres d'Afrique facials and body treatments. Our products harness the unique power of African botanicals in science-driven, organic formulas that balance the skin and nourish the senses.

Enjoy a delicious meal at Sala Beach House as you enjoy the view of the ocean.

Terres D’Afrique capture the unique power of rare African botanicals in science-driven, organic formulas that balance the skin and nourish the senses.

The Saxon Hotel, Villas & Spa: 5 Pillars of Wellness

Saxon Spa Manager, Tanya Lopes, shared some insight into the “Five Pillars of Wellness”



Saxon Spa Manager, Tanya Lopes, shared some insight into the “Five Pillars of Wellness”.

The health of your immune system is paramount in order to keep your mind and body healthy as well as to fight off diseases or viruses. In a time of conscious living it is important that we become mindful of our lifestyles and how we live so that we live the best possible version of ourselves and take accountability for our own health. When we refer to wellness, we often refer to the 5 pillars of wellness, which we need to be mindful of, in order to ensure that we live a healthy lifestyle.

The Five Pillars of Wellness.

1. Exercise
The benefits of exercise is undeniable. It has helped people to reverse issues requiring medication, improved longevity, improved brain functioning, decreased joint pain, increased strength and endurance, reduced stress, the list can keep going. If you are not incorporating exercise of some kind into your lifestyle, it is suggested that you start doing so as soon as possible – your body will thank you. Find a method of exercise that works for you, whether it is yoga, powerlifting, playing sports, walking, or cycling etc., there is an exercise that fits everyone. Motivation is usually the hardest part, so find yourself an exercise partner or some way to hold yourself accountable and you will have more success.

2. Nutrition
What you put into your body might be the most important pillar of all – there is no substitute for proper nutrition. A combination of protein, carbs, fruits and vegetables, and good fats/oils are key for well-rounded nutrition – your body will only function at its peak when all components are present. It has been proven that when foods in these categories are consumed together, the nutrients are absorbed better than when it is consumed individually. Your daily allocation of Fruit and Vegetables is paramount to a healthy immune system – ensure that you try to consume a minimum of 5-8 portions a day. It is also beneficial to include vegetables that are known to enrich your immune system and anti-oxidants. If you find it challenging to consume your daily allocation; juicing would be great way to ensure that you always achieve your goal. Find healthy, well rounded, tasty options to fuel your healthy lifestyle.

3. Stress
Daily stress plays an integral role in our overall well being and happiness – it will affect you mentally, emotionally, physically, and at times also socially. Stress is also known to be a big contributor to auto-immune diseases. These external sources of stress need to be acknowledged and limited, it is also important to manage because it can prevent weight loss and muscle building if the body has too much stress present – your body will basically say: “this stress is my priority to handle, not other things,” and it will focus its efforts to that first. It is essential to have a method of coping or an outlet for your stress so that it doesn’t continue to build up and toxify your well being – regular exercise and music therapy, mindfulness, massages and spa treatments are some suggestions to help you manage your stress levels. This pillar is one that we should all be very conscious of as we can often get so involved in the day-to-day of our high paced lifestyles that we dontake a minute to stop and think.

4. Sleep
Your body cannot properly recover and repair itself without the adequate sleep. A poor sleeping pattern can contribute to plenty of health issues and especially affect your ability to manage your stress levels. Everyone is different in how much sleep they require, but in general it is recommended to get between seven to nine hours of sleep per night – teenagers and athletes usually fall on the higher end of the spectrum, understandably so. Also, if you are on a taxing exercise regimen, your body will need the sleep-time to heal your muscles properly. Immunity will also decrease if sleep is consistently compromised; your body’s energy and vitality source is basically that of a rechargeable battery – without your batteries charged you cannot function. Poor sleep patterns are often contributed to by the digital world we live in, so it is recommended that you do not look at any of your digital devices for at least an hour before you go to sleep.

5. Supplements
It is no secret that most people have nutritional gaps and will benefit greatly from adding quality supplements derived from natural sources to their diets. Whether you need more omega-3 fatty acids for your heart and brain, or a meal replacement shake for quick breakfast options to accommodate your busy lifestyle, the right supplements will definitely improve your lifestyle. People who work out would sometimes take protein, creatine, fat burners, and amino acid supplements to just name a few. They do this because it is difficult to get the recommended amount of these nutrients from just food alone in order to reach their fitness/body goals. In this time we find ourselves in, focusing on additional supplements that will assist you in your Mental and Immune Boosting ability is advisable as an additional support to ensure you have the maximum benefits.

Remember the five pillars of wellness and incorporate each one into your lifestyle and see how much better you feel!

The Saxon Hotel, Villas & Spa: Practice Mindfulness

Spa Manager, Tanya Lopes, spoke to us about the healing power of mindfulness.

Observing Mindfulness has completely changed my perspective on life and the world. My intention is to go out every day and shower it with love and healing.

So my challenge to all of us is that we are all products of our own challenges and journey in some way shape or form which is the essence of our humanity, our greatest risks is becoming overcome with anxiety about these uncertain times, and how the volume of tech, social media and media is making us complacent in our day to day lives that we do not stop to take the conscious decision to acknowledge or put aside our challenge, but most importantly praise achievements, life’s beauty. Begin each day with the intention of being a better version of you than the day before.

This is especially vital for our children as they go through this historical event. Psychologists and Sociologists are raising concerns about children raised in this millennium already and their addiction to the social platforms and their celebrities. They are already starting to show signs of social underdevelopment problems as they are not experiencing issues such as verbal conflict, disciplinary actions and emotional challenges. These are key coping mechanisms which children learn through experience or adult observation. Lack of these important skills can lead to depression and low self esteem and worst of all an inability to understand the social behaviours needed to integrate into a team or into a corporate structure. Studies have also shown that these kids often struggle with coping with minor trauma.

Our brain is very powerful but can also be a very destructive organ. Often all it takes is one negative thought said repeatedly over time to start the first signs of depressive activity. In this time especially when our anxiety and worry is very high, this is a great opportunity to start a HEALTHY NEW POSITIVE PATTERN for the whole family to join.

No, this is not yoga and you won’t be making your neighbours giggle! This is very easy, and anyone can use it and even use this to progress to Meditation or Yoga. Our focus is grounding, consciously feeling your environment, clearing bad energies, being thankful and grateful and re-energising – outline the day and enter with positivity and love.

A Mindfulness journey is designed to:

  1. Separate you from your digital technology – this is a vitally important step.

  2. Connect you with the core energy of mother earth.

  3. Clear your mind of any other activities and teach you to be present in the moment (the bird sounds are incredible at the moment).

  4. Genuinely feel the positive energy of love the earth is offering you.

  5. Open your respiratory system.

  6. Guided visualisation where we focus on your negative energy stored and start the process of removing this energy.

  7. Give gratitude to the things you love and are proud of.

  8. Then allow the positivity of the sun’s energy to fill you whilst focusing on controlled breathing.

  9. No matter how hard the day gets “never walk past the colour purple and don’t notice it.” This is about educating your brain to take moments to stop and appreciate things that you would probably miss. These small cues will give your brain images which generate a happy response and allow you to start noticing the world in a completely different manner. You will probably find yourself noticing so many kind gestures rather than the negative ones we have been conditioned with. I really think this is a vital skill for the youth as they have a complete disjointed view on reality thanks to Insta stars.

  10. Exercising positive mental health is paramount during times of uncertainty and anxiety.

  11. Some top execs who use this daily routine also finish off their session with a basic outline of their day, so they feel balanced and controlled. This could also be used if you have one of those days when the universe wants to test you a bit further and you may feel you need another session to regain your thought. Remember no good decisions have ever been made in anger or greed.

I would recommend trying this on your own for the first 4 days and then, if possible, involving the family. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The energy we all put out into our universe is what we will receive in return.